Why My Clients Get the Best Results Through 1:1 Coaching

Since launching my coaching business in 2016, I’ve experimented with how to best serve my clients through various services and products.  From in-person workshops, weekend retreats, group programs, and digital courses, what I’ve learned over the years is that my clients get the best results through 1:1 high-touch coaching services.  

This exemplifies my belief – that lasting change can happen in the context of a trusted relationship. 

In this blog post, I’ll break down why I love offering 1:1 high-touch coaching services (as a stand-alone package, or as a component of a hybrid offer).  It’s the sweet spot that blends how I like to show up with my skill set with how my clients like to be supported.  Whether you offer 1:1 or not, I hope this gives you permission to create a business model that serves both you and your clients.  

Reason #1: The value of 1:1 coaching is to create lasting change. 

Whenever I’m pursuing a big goal or making a change in my life and business, I enlist the support of a coach or mentor.  I appreciate the outside perspective of someone’s insights on how to play to my strengths, see my blind spots, make smart decisions with sound strategy, and create progress more quickly than spinning my wheels trying to do it on my own.  

Even though I’m responsible for doing my own work, there is power in having someone who believes in you in your corner.  I understand that whenever I invest in myself – it has a positive ripple effect that impacts my family, business, clients, and relationships.   

I never want to ask my clients to do something or take action on something that I haven’t done myself.  So, I will also receive coaching so I can be integrity with doing the work.  

>> What are some ways you like to practice what you preach?  

Reason #2: I’m naturally good at coaching, and will continue to develop my skills.  

What’s something that you frequently receive positive feedback on?  

For me, it’s my ability to create a space where people can truly be themselves, ask powerful and curiosity-driven questions, and solve problems in a creative way.  

I’m fascinated by personality types, and how to coach someone to be a high-performer.  

Coaching is something that I’ve done unofficially in my previous experiences as a camp counselor, resident assistant, ministry leader, and teacher.  I can’t help it!  

So, when it came time to niche my business – I focused on coaching to incorporate a skill set that suits my strengths and could help people.  

>> Tell us, what’s something that you’re GOOD at, and how are you incorporating it into your business?  

Reason #3: I really enjoy 1:1 coaching (and my clients love it, too).  

There’s nothing more rewarding as a coach than witnessing your client have a breakthrough.  Yes, I care about your results but I also care about the process to help you get there.  

I know that building a business is tough.  It requires new ways of thinking, actions that stretch your comfort zone, and incredible self-awareness — but the reason why I love 1:1 coaching is to see women let go of what holds them back to finally get visible, make sales, and do work they love.  

That’s why I offer ways for high-touch support – like 1:1 calls, access to messaging support in-between calls, and regular check-ins – so you feel comfortable with sharing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and feel supported along the way.  

You’re not bothering me at all when you tell me what’s going on.  I love it, and this is what I’m here for!  

>> Let us know: What’s your favorite thing about what you do?  

Reason #4: Strategy teaches you knowledge, and coaching addresses the mindset and action to help you to apply that knowledge.  

Sometimes you just need to learn how to do something.  When you have a knowledge gap,  learning a new strategy or studying a new course can help you to gain the tactics needed.  

There are other times when you *know* what you need to do, but you’re just not doing it.  There’s usually something underneath the surface that’s keeping you from taking the action.  This is when 1:1 coaching comes in handy — to help you uncover the root of what’s going on and how to move forward.  Sometimes the act of verbal processing can give you insight to take what you know and apply it to your own life and business.  

The more you practice these critical thinking skills – the easier it becomes to recognize the triggers that keep you “stuck” and how to move through them.  

>> I’m curious:  Do you need more knowledge, or more application in this season?  Tell us in the comments! 

Reason #5: 1:1 Coaching is Personalized to You. 

What works for one entrepreneur may not work for another entrepreneur.  

Two people can have the same strategy, but do it for different reasons and achieve different results.  

That’s because each person has their unique sets of skills, strengths, and points of stickiness.  

Yes – there are tried and true business methods (and why I’ll teach proven marketing and sales strategies and provide time-saving planning tools and templates).  

The beauty of 1:1 coaching is to personalize your business to what works for you.

Especially when it comes to things like messaging, pricing and packaging, and client experience – these things are really impactful when it’s true to you.  

>>  Let’s chat: What’s something in your business that you’d like to personalize?  

Reason #6: It fosters collaboration and connection for solo-preneurs.  

I primarily work with service-based business owners who are a one-woman show.

When you’re running the business and providing the service, it can quickly feel overwhelming and lonely.  

I approach my 1:1 coaching relationships as a collaborative partnership so my clients have a sounding board and support from someone who gets it.  When you’re working in a 9-5, you may have co-workers and a built-in community but when you’re a solo-preneur, it’s important to seek that out for yourself.  

Content marketing requires a ton of creativity and thrives in community.  That’s why I’m happy to review content and provide timely and specific feedback so your words reflect the value that you provide and draws in the right people.  

>> Tell us: who is someone that’s supported you in your business?  Tag them below! 

Reason #7: Long-term coaching support can lead to long-term results. 

Long-term support can lead to long-term results.  

I’m here to help you to build a sustainable business, and that requires the balance of quick wins with skill development.  Most people want results yesterday and feel frustrated with their lack of results.  The problem is – these people are trying to do too much, or working too far ahead of themselves.  

When it comes to 1:1 coaching, we can evaluate what’s working and what’s not working in your business, and pinpoint what to prioritize in this season so you’re working on what’s essential in the right order.  The focus on prioritizing can reduce burn-out, comparison, and overwhelm to create a business that’s here for the long-run.  

That’s why my packages are typically a 3-6 month commitment – to give you time and space to develop good habits and develop consistency for more long-term results.  

I hope that this gives you insight into our particular business model, and why we love 1:1 coaching around here.  If you’d like to chat about working together, then schedule a free clarity call to see how working on your visibility, sales, and leadership can help you to get booked up in your business.  

How do you like to serve and support your clients, and what helps them get great results?  Let me know in the comments below! 


With joy,


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