Sales Calls Are Worth Your Time

The day I learned how to host an empowering sales conversation was the day I felt like my business would be taken care of.  

Now I know there’s a growing philosophy in the online business space that tells you to ditch sales calls because they are a “waste of time.” 

And for some, they may be.  If you’re an established business owner who already knows how to sell well, and has a schedule full of clients/projects, then by all means, use a leveraged sales mechanism.  

But for others, who may feel discomfort around sales but a desire for more client work, then embracing the 1:1 sales call is the best way to hone your sales skills.  

Think about it like this: 

If the pre-client will potentially invest hundreds, if not, thousands of dollars and spend countless hours working with you, then it’s mutually beneficial to meet, discuss if you’d be a good fit, and hold space for any concerns that may pop up along the way.  

Here are some ways that I made sales calls WORTH my time: 

  1. Recognized all of the benefits that come from hosting sales conversations.

    ✨Every time I got on a call, it was an opportunity to connect with a human who had big business dreams. 

    ✨I learned more about nuances of what they struggled with and what’s holding them back from reaching their goals. 

    ✨I got to communicate the value of my services and how I could help. 

    ✨I could coach around the decision making process. 

    ✨All of these would provide insights and skills to help grow my business. 

  2. Qualify the people that I was talking to. 

    You don’t have to spend 30 minutes on a clarity call with ANYBODY.  You can qualify your prospects  with things like positioning content and pre-session questionnaires.   This can help you spend your time connecting with people who are most likely a good fit. 

  3. Have a simple call structure. 

    Setting the call intention up front allows me to lead the conversation.  This makes it more intentional, and within the time limit. 

  4. Be willing to hold space for concerns and hard conversations. 

    Ultimately, the pre-client is making a decision on whether to work with you.  This can bring up various questions, emotions, and concerns.  Instead of taking things personally, learn to welcome those concerns so you can address them head on. 

  5. Release the outcome. 

    So much of the sales process is out of your control.   Who knows?  The conversation could have led to a new client, a referral, a connection, or an insight.  What makes it “worth it” in knowing that you showed up doing what’s within your power, and releasing the outcome.

This is why I love coaching women around sales. Not only will you learn how to make more money in your business, but you’ll also gain the skills to listen with intent, communicate your value, and address objections. If you’d like support to grow your business and connect with me, then schedule a free clarity call. I’d love to hear what you have going on in your life and biz, and how I can help!


With joy,


My 3 Biggest Business Lessons of 2022


Why My Clients Get the Best Results Through 1:1 Coaching