2 Ways to Increase Accountability Without the Guilt

As a business coach, I’ve heard on several occasions, “If I had more accountability, then I can get things done.”  

I get it.  The thought that someone else can hold you accountable to your to-do list can be more motivating than doing it alone.  

But do you actually need more accountability to get things done?  

If you’re a high-performing woman who already has a ton on their plate (and can tend to be hard on yourself), then that last thing you need is another person telling you to do more.  

When you’d like more accountability, here’s what that could mean… 

1. You’re looking for CONNECTION — someone who truly sees you. 

In the wins.  In the mess.  In the in-between.  Sometimes you just want to be witnessed as you are.  Once you have a space to process through your emotions, then you’ve clear the way to take more action.  

2.You’re looking to evaluate your CAPACITY — sometimes there’s literally too much to do, and not enough time to do it. 

In this case, you need to re-evaluate your priorities so you can delete what doesn’t need to be done, or delegate to someone who can support you.  When you lessen the workload to focus on doing the things that only you can do, you create the bandwidth to be able to get the right-fit things done.  

Accountability doesn’t have to mean shaming yourself to get things done.  Instead, it’s so much easier to follow-through on your promises when you have a reasonable amount of work, and the permission to be honest with your emotions.  

Tell us in the comments below: Do you need more CONNECTION, CAPACITY, or BOTH to increase your accountability?  

If you’re looking to grow your coaching or service-based business, then visit my services page to learn more about how 1:1 coaching can provide the support and accountability to help you to nail your niche, get more visible online, and make sales without the sleaze! Book a clarity call today for a free consultation!

With joy,

PS: Looking to know exactly what money-making actions lead to more sales for meaningful work? Download the free CEO Schedule to create time for business growth and personal freedom.


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