🎙[ Featured ] The Bold Money Revolution: How I Found My Money Motivation, Financial Literacy, and Began to Dream Bigger

How often do you get curious about what motivates you in your business?  

If you’re looking for an example of how to blend making a profit with connecting to your greater purpose, then I have a treat for you.  

Tune into a transparent look into my personal finance journey with my own business mentor, Tara Newman of The Bold Profit Academy .  

I joined her program at a time when I was navigating growing a business while raising a young family — but wasn’t quite motivated by money alone.  

In this conversation, we talk more about how getting curious about my WHY by creating a Thrive list was the catalyst in giving my money a purpose for my business and my life, and how I learned to get clear on my own definition of success and how to fund it. 

If you’re feeling a little “meh” in your business, and seeking to re-connect with your motivation, then Listen to the conversation right here.

You’ll hear how this perspective shift led to inspiring my financial dreams, applying Profit First, and having a long term game plan for wealth that feels right for me.

Tell us in the comments below: what motivates YOU in your business?

With joy, 



Client Case Study: Abby First


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